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Public Computing and WiFi

  /  Public Computing and WiFi

How many computers do we have?
There are currently 20 computers available in the Computer Center.

Who may use the computers?
All adults, and any students 7th grade and up, may use the computers in the Computer Center. Children not yet in 7th grade may use the computers in the Children’s Room.

How do I sign up? How long can I stay on?
Simply choose any available computer and sign in with a name or library card number.

What policy and guidelines does the library have for Internet use?
Internet use and safety policy.

Can I get help with the computers?
Absolutely. While we generally can’t provide in-depth training, we can provide simple guidance and instruction. If the staff member who’s on duty can’t help, he or she may be able to call someone who can, or tell you when someone who can help will be at the desk. Tasks that require extensive assistance may best be completed through a Tech One-on-One reservation. Tech one-on-ones for more extensive help are currently being conducted virtually. Click here to schedule an appointment.

What if I know how to use the Internet, but I’m not finding what I want?
You may go to the South Wing for assistance in finding specific information.

Do you have computer classes?
Yes we do. Watch the library calendar for dates! The classes here are single session classes. Our Linkedin Learning subscription offers an extensive listing of video-based Computer Instruction. If you’re looking for something more in-depth, try Adult Ed at the Port Washington Public Schools; catalogs are available at the Library’s Reference Desk.

Can I print from the computers? Is there a charge?
Yes. Everyone receives 50 cents of free printing/copying each day. The free 50 cents is automatically applied to both guest cards and library cards and is non-cumulative, the free printing balance resets to 50 cents each day. For print jobs that will cost more than 50 cents, money can still be added to cards at the Add Value Stations. Additional pages beyond 50 cents costs 5 cents a page for Black and White and 10 cents a page for Color. Free printing is supported by the Friends of the Port Washington Public Library (FOL).

Is a scanner provided?
Currently, we have one PC and one Mac with attached flatbed scanners. We also have additional scanners with a feeder tray available for use in our South Wing.

Can I save my work on the computers?
You must use a USB flash drive to save your work or to save a download from the Internet. Our computers delete all downloaded and saved material upon sign-off.

Does the library provide e-mail accounts?
We don’t provide accounts; however, using the Internet access that we provide, you can create a free e-mail account using a web-based e-mail provider, such as

Can I use WiFi in the library?
We do offer a public WiFi network. The network name is PWPL-Hotspot. While connected to our network, you must abide by the library’s Acceptable Use policy.

Is it secure?
We strive to maintain a safe and secure network. However, the library cannot assure 100% safety of your personal data.

Will I be able to print from my own device?
We offer a MobilePrint service. You can retrieve your document via curbside pickup. For instructions on how to use this service, click here.